avant simiantix
Sunday, May 27, 2012
I've heard and seen things in places like northern idaho, alaska, wyoming, california, D.C., chicago, face-book; n-bombs dropped, inappropriately displayed confederate flags, stupid blatant ape/ banana/jungle references, and every other thinly veiled racist epithet in our brave new post-racial/post feminist new millennium world. Dumping all the responsibility on all the usually suspected old cracker/redneck/yokel stereo-types misses the much more menacing systemic acceptance of all that stupid. Rush Limbaugh still makes millions off of hate-spew, and so do all of these lame GOP candidates benefit from so much racial innuendo.
If you're cool with oligopolies then go ahead and chant along: "Libertarian free market" ," first amendment rights"," live and let live", "blah blah, blah"- red herrings all. Follow the fucking money! One might not like so much a derrick in one's bay, a fracking pump station going up on one's property without consent, or some private security company deciding to camp out in their rustic cabin,...forever. Rush and KGTL have picked our pockets. The airwaves are still technically public domain, though the private mining of the air proves the opposite. Billions have been made off of our resource by Fox/Newscorp, Clear Channel, KGTL, and syndicated shows like this which capitalize on morbid/shock value. Politicized weakening of and/or re-assigning the mission of FCC has created loopholes wherein these opportunists can take advantage of translator/relayer regulations, Penninsula Communications being a prime example. FCC's mission according to wiki: " As specified in section one of the Communications Act of 1934 and as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (amendment to 47 U.S.C. §151) it is the FCC's mission to "make available so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication services with adequate facilities at reasonable charges."[sic] The Act furthermore provides that the FCC was created "for the purpose of the national defense" and "for the purpose of promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communications."[3]
Consistent with the objectives of the Act as well as the 1993 Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), the FCC has identified six goals in its 2006-2011 Strategic Plan. These are:
Broadband: "All Americans should have affordable access to robust and reliable broadband products and services. Regulatory policies must promote technological neutrality, competition, investment, and innovation to ensure that broadband service providers have sufficient incentives to develop and offer such products and services."
Competition: "Competition in the provision of communication services, both domestically and overseas, supports the Nation's economy. The competitive framework for communications services should foster innovation and offer consumers reliable, meaningful choice in affordable services."
Spectrum: "Efficient and effective use of non-federal spectrum domestically and internationally promotes the growth and rapid development of innovative and efficient communication technologies and services."
Media: "The Nation's media regulations must promote competition and diversity and facilitate the transition to digital modes of delivery."
Public Safety and Homeland Security: "Communications during emergencies and crisis must be available for public safety, health, defense, and emergency personnel, as well as all consumers in need. The Nation's critical communications infrastructure must be reliable, interoperable, redundant, and rapidly restorable."
Modernize the FCC: "The Commission shall strive to be highly productive, adaptive, and innovative organization that maximizes the benefits to stakeholders, staff, and management from effective systems, processes, resources, and organizational culture."[3]
Consistent with the objectives of the Act as well as the 1993 Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), the FCC has identified six goals in its 2006-2011 Strategic Plan. These are:
Broadband: "All Americans should have affordable access to robust and reliable broadband products and services. Regulatory policies must promote technological neutrality, competition, investment, and innovation to ensure that broadband service providers have sufficient incentives to develop and offer such products and services."
Competition: "Competition in the provision of communication services, both domestically and overseas, supports the Nation's economy. The competitive framework for communications services should foster innovation and offer consumers reliable, meaningful choice in affordable services."
Spectrum: "Efficient and effective use of non-federal spectrum domestically and internationally promotes the growth and rapid development of innovative and efficient communication technologies and services."
Media: "The Nation's media regulations must promote competition and diversity and facilitate the transition to digital modes of delivery."
Public Safety and Homeland Security: "Communications during emergencies and crisis must be available for public safety, health, defense, and emergency personnel, as well as all consumers in need. The Nation's critical communications infrastructure must be reliable, interoperable, redundant, and rapidly restorable."
Modernize the FCC: "The Commission shall strive to be highly productive, adaptive, and innovative organization that maximizes the benefits to stakeholders, staff, and management from effective systems, processes, resources, and organizational culture."[3]
bin-laden_n_1461431.html To preface: Romney is a tool, and it seems ALEC has succeeded in creating legislation and policies for my dem. mayor and governor, as well as the majority of our slack and corrupted lawmakers. That said, I'll probably vote for the pres., though he didn't get my vote last time (Green pty., Cynthia McKinney, go ahead, hate on me all you want, then go and vote your own damned conscience). Maybe I'll go indie again, or abstain; as for Libertarian - that is a sociopathic delusion that maintains that humans have each individually created the world on their own, and just roam about independently creating wonderful things and being financially secure in a vacuum. But this is my problem: I don't believe in assassination, or murder, or killing of any sort for that matter. I think it is one of the worst of human rationalizations. It does not deter anything, only increases the worst we can do to one another. It keeps alive the pretense that justice can be achieved through taking another life and consequently justifies killing as a primary solution to any host of life's problems, when in fact, it is ultimately wholly regressive. I was in first grade when JFK was shot. With the following assassinations of MLK and RFK I came to believe these were all political acts. All absolute abuse of power, our most heinous crime against one another - to take someones life away. Okay, so Osama B.L. was a "bad" guy, but he once was "our" guy, that we helped to create - a U.S. political tool, a tool had to dispose of once we lost control; just like Saddam, Just like Manuel Noriega, and like all the others that did our bidding at the expense of some unfortunate populace. Fuck due process, fuck the right to a fair trial, fuck human rights - we're the eff 'n U eff 'n S eff 'n A m effer, so we can go out and kill whoever we want, whenever we want! Now the political act against this perceived enemy is being used as a campaign banner. Boo, hiss; in very bad taste.
Pleased our Head of State has, after taking counsel with his offspring, outed himself as a rational 21st century man. Among the rational minded, over a quarter of a century ago, this was already commonly held belief that if able minded adults desired to wed, they should be able to so. Also recognized was that if a patriarch in Utah desired multiple wives, this was probably a perpetuation of regressive and oppressive policy. The major factor that lead to Obama's election was his ability to speak to truth using language we hadn't heard for decades. Sure, Clinton had his moments, he started out strong, got elected with the same rhetoric, which was about truth, but his truth got lost in his fabrications and his sugar-coated conservatism. In '08 I voted Green party, but I still enjoyed crying in Grant Park when O made his acceptance speech. I'd felt the Civil rights battle had finally manifested some real tangible result: A black man as president! It seemed a stretch that this could occur in my lifetime. (I guess I thought a white woman would make it there first, but soon perhaps.) This was the same Grant Park I watched on the evening news as a pre-teen, when it was cops and National Gaurd vs. people exercising their constitutional rights. So he said the right thing, it hasn't changed state laws, it changes the dialogue.
n hog night at the cell wed night : just when the sox get a little
interesting for this life long fan; with players like Orlando Hudson and
Sales, and Rios, Beckham, Dunn finding their swing, and outstanding
pitching potentially happening from any staff-member on any day; they go
and get ordained "Team NATO" by Mayor "I'll sell my gram down the river
if it means I get my way", who recently changed his team loyalty (lifelong Cubster) for the sake of expediency.http:// chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/ images/2012/05/23/IAkC8l2u.jpg
Ripe material for a new puppet movie prequel by Parker and Stone: "Team
NATO, the revenge of the Sox." "..from black sox, to black souls, to
black OPS!" "They'll kettle the opposition with an overwhelming show of
force and really cool uniforms!"

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